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At Simply Creative Therapy, we do therapy differently. We believe therapy should be easy to access, affordable, and fun. We offer tools for self-improvement, products to help grow your confidence in supporting neurodiverse children as a parent or teacher, and resources for professionals to grow within their businesses. No need to schedule appointments; our products can be used and viewed when you have time and from the comfort of your home. Our products are affordable and customizable based on your individual needs.

Simply Creative Therapy is your resource for simple, creative, and positive products to help you cultivate the skills you need to flourish as an individual, parent, educator, and professional.


Our products

Digital workbooks are a great way to explore new strategies to help you be your best. They are a reasonable way to learn and practice new skills. We create digital workbooks for individuals, parents, and professionals. They allow you to use them at your own pace and time. They are convenient and easy to access as all you need is a tablet, a digital pen or stylus, and a PDF editor app, such as Goodnotes, Notability, Noteshelf, and Xodo.


Digital notebooks help you reach your goals by offering simple and creative strategies for you to use in your daily life. They are a great way to learn and practice skills geared at helping you stay on track and be successful. We make digital notebooks for individuals, parents, and professionals that are easy to use and access. No more forgetting to pack a paper notebook as digital notebooks are kept on your tablet using a digital pen or stylus and a PDF editor app, such as Goodnotes, Notability, Noteshelf, and Xodo.


Are you tired of starting a planner and never using it? Our planners are simple to use and offer you content that will help you be successful. They are not overwhelming or filled with pages that are not useful. Instructions, tips, and examples of how to use the pages are included. Digital planners are on your tablet, so no more losing or forgetting to bring a paper planner. Digital planners are fun to write in and make correcting mistakes fast and simple for those who like things neat. Easily access and use your digital planner on a tablet using a digital pen or stylus and a PDF editor app, such as Goodnotes, Notability, Noteshelf, and Xodo.


Learn at your own pace and schedule. Online classes are a great way to learn skills to help you personally and professionally while in the comfort of your own home. We offer a variety of classes to help you learn and practice skills to help you feel confident and successful. Watch, pause, and repeat as many times as you like. Our online classes are a great way for individuals to learn new skills for success, parents to learn how to help their children succeed in school and in life, teachers to learn how to help students succeed in their classrooms, and professionals to learn new skills to apply to their businesses.